
Vulcanul Nyiragongo din Congo a erupt. Orașul Goma a fost evacuat


Vulcanul Nyiragongo din Republica Democrată Congo a erupt sâmbătă seara pentru prima dată în ultimele două decenii. Autorităţile au decis ca oraşul Goma, situat pe flancul sudic al vulcanului, pe malul lacului Kivu, să fie evacuat, potrivit, care citează AFP.

„Cerul a devenit roşu. Există un miros de sulf. În depărtare se pot vedea flăcări uriaşe ieşind din munte. Dar nu există niciun cutremur”, a declarat telefonic pentru AFP o locuitoare din Goma, potrivit Agerpres.

WATCH: Nyiragongo volcano in Eastern DR Congo erupts. The volcano, situated a few kilometres from #Rwanda's Rubavu town, last erupted in January 2002.

— The New Times (Rwanda) (@NewTimesRwanda) May 22, 2021

După erupţia vulcanului, cel puţin un flux de lavă a coborât din flancurile sale spre est, spre frontiera din apropiere cu Rwanda. Electricitatea a fost întreruptă în oraş, iar guvernul s-a reunit de urgenţă pentru a lua o decizie cu privire la evacuarea oraşului Goma.

Ulterior, ministrul comunicării, Patrick Muyaya, a anunţat pe Twitter că „planul de evacuare a oraşului #Goma a fost activat”.

Astfel, mii de persoane au fugit spre postul de frontieră din apropiere cu Rwanda, la sud de Goma, şi spre vestul oraşului, în direcţia regiunii Masisi, notează

Ultima erupţie a vulcanului Nyiragongo a fost în 2002. Atunci, peste 100.000 de persoane au rămas fără adăpost.

epaselect epa09221145 Congolese residents of Goma flee from Mount Nyiragongo volcano as it erupts over Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 22 May 2021. One of the planets most active volcanoes Mount Nyiragongo in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo erupted causing evacuations in some parts of Goma. Initial reports from scientists predict the city is not in danger from the lava. EPA-EFE/HUGH KINSELLA CUNNINGHAM
epaselect epa09221289 A general view of erupting Mount Nyiragongo over Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 22 May 2021. One of the planets most active volcanoes Mount Nyiragongo in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo erupted causing evacuations in some parts of Goma. Initial reports from scientists predict the city is not in danger from the lava. EPA-EFE/HUGH KINSELLA CUNNINGHAM
epaselect epa09221228 Congolese residents of Goma gather at Rond Point Cercle to flee from erupting Mount Nyamulagira and Mount Nyiragongo part of the Virunga National Park in Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 22 May 2021. One of the planets most active volcanoes Mount Nyiragongo in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo erupted causing evacuations in some parts of Goma. Initial reports from scientists predict the city is not in danger from the lava. EPA-EFE/HUGH KINSELLA CUNNINGHAM
epa09221289 A general view of erupting Mount Nyiragongo over Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 22 May 2021. One of the planets most active volcanoes Mount Nyiragongo in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo erupted causing evacuations in some parts of Goma. Initial reports from scientists predict the city is not in danger from the lava. EPA-EFE/HUGH KINSELLA CUNNINGHAM
epa09221156 Congolese residents of Goma flee from Mount Nyiragongo volcano as it erupts over Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 22 May 2021. One of the planets most active volcanoes Mount Nyiragongo in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo erupted causing evacuations in some parts of Goma. Initial reports from scientists predict the city is not in danger from the lava. EPA-EFE/HUGH KINSELLA CUNNINGHAM
epa09221127 A Congolese woman, carrying possessions on her head, flees from Mount Nyiragongo volcano as it erupts over Goma, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 22 May 2021. One of the planets most active volcanoes Mount Nyiragongo in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo erupted causing evacuations in some parts of Goma. Initial reports from scientists predict the city is not in danger from the lava. EPA-EFE/HUGH KINSELLA CUNNINGHAM

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