
„Sunt diamante adevărate”. O piatră misterioasă a atras sute de căutători de comori într-un sat african


Sute de oameni au dat buzna într-un sat din estul Africii de Sud, după ce un localnic a anunțat că a găsit o piatră transparentă. Oamenii speră că au găsit diamante, deși niciun raport oficial nu le confirmă bănuiala, visând deja la ce vor putea face cu banii, relatează AFP și Reuters, citate de Agerpres.

Un păstor din satul KwaHlathi, aflat în Africa de Sud, a anunțat că a găsit o piatra transparentă, despre care unii cred că sunt cristale de cuarț. Vestea s-a răspândit brusc, iar în scurt timp 1.000 de oameni au împânzit dealul unde a fost făcută descoperirea. Toți au venit cu aceeași speranță: au dat peste o comoară, iar viața lor se va schimba.

„Sunt diamante adevărate”, a declarat o mamă a trei copii, ținând în mână o grămadă de pietre mici și transparente.

„Voi putea să cumpăr o maşină, o casă şi să-mi dau copiii la o şcoală privată”, a continuat ea.

Așa arată pietrele găsite de un localnic într-un sat din Africa de Sud | Foto: Profimedia

Experții nu sunt la fel de optimiști precum localnicii și consideră că este extrem de improbabil ca pietrele găsite să fie într-adevăr diamante autentice. Posilitatea nu este exclusă, totuși.

În zilele următoare, departamentul pentru Energie şi Minerit urmează să trimită o echipă de experţi la faţa locului pentru a analiza pietrele.

Așa arată zona în care oamenii caută ceea ce ei cred că sunt diamante | Foto: Profimedia

Până atunci, autorităţile din regiune au făcut apel la ordine şi calm și i-au îndemnat fără prea mult succes pe cei care au venit duminică să caute diamante să părăsească satul, pe fondul restricțiilor legate de COVID.

Unii oameni au început deja să vândă pietrele, scrie Reuters, fără să știe exact ce sunt. Prețurile variază de la 7 la 20 de dolari.

A group of women leave after spending a night digging in search for what they believe to be diamonds after the discovery of unidentified stones at KwaHlathi village near Ladysmith, South Africa, on June 15, 2021. Hundreds of people have flocked to the outskirts of KwaHlathi village, near Ladysmith, after a cattle herder last week unearthed a handful of unidentified crystal-like pebbles.
News of the finding spread fast, triggering a rush to the site. Some have already started selling their finds to those willing to try to market them.
Experts do not rule out the possibility that they are genuine diamonds, although they consider this highly unlikely. The Department of Energy and Mines said it would send a team of experts in the next few days.,Image: 615723800, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
An aerial view shows people digging as they search for what they believe to be diamonds after the discovery of unidentified stones at KwaHlathi village near Ladysmith in KwaZulu Natal on June 15, 2021. Hundreds of people have flocked to the outskirts of KwaHlathi village, near Ladysmith, after a cattle herder last week unearthed a handful of unidentified crystal-like pebbles.
News of the finding spread fast, triggering a rush to the site. Some have already started selling their finds to those willing to try to market them.
Experts do not rule out the possibility that they are genuine diamonds, although they consider this highly unlikely. The Department of Energy and Mines said it would send a team of experts in the next few days.,Image: 615723812, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
A woman uses a pick axe to dig in search for what she believes to be diamonds after the discovery of unidentified stones at KwaHlathi village near Ladysmith, South Africa, on June 15, 2021. Hundreds of people have flocked to the outskirts of KwaHlathi village, near Ladysmith, after a cattle herder last week unearthed a handful of unidentified crystal-like pebbles.
News of the finding spread fast, triggering a rush to the site. Some have already started selling their finds to those willing to try to market them.
Experts do not rule out the possibility that they are genuine diamonds, although they consider this highly unlikely. The Department of Energy and Mines said it would send a team of experts in the next few days.,Image: 615723819, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
A group of men search inside a whole they dug for what they believe to be diamonds after the discovery of unidentified stones at KwaHlathi village near Ladysmith, South Africa, on June 15, 2021. Hundreds of people have flocked to the outskirts of KwaHlathi village, near Ladysmith, after a cattle herder last week unearthed a handful of unidentified crystal-like pebbles.
News of the finding spread fast, triggering a rush to the site. Some have already started selling their finds to those willing to try to market them.
Experts do not rule out the possibility that they are genuine diamonds, although they consider this highly unlikely. The Department of Energy and Mines said it would send a team of experts in the next few days.,Image: 615723790, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
A man inspects what he believes to be a diamond after the discovery of unidentified stones at KwaHlathi village near Ladysmith, South Africa, on June 15, 2021. Hundreds of people have flocked to the outskirts of KwaHlathi village, near Ladysmith, after a cattle herder last week unearthed a handful of unidentified crystal-like pebbles.
News of the finding spread fast, triggering a rush to the site. Some have already started selling their finds to those willing to try to market them.
Experts do not rule out the possibility that they are genuine diamonds, although they consider this highly unlikely. The Department of Energy and Mines said it would send a team of experts in the next few days.,Image: 615723811, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia
A woman uses a pick axe to dig as others search for what they believe to be diamonds after the discovery of unidentified stones at KwaHlathi village near Ladysmith, South Africa, on June 15, 2021. Hundreds of people have flocked to the outskirts of KwaHlathi village, near Ladysmith, after a cattle herder last week unearthed a handful of unidentified crystal-like pebbles.
News of the finding spread fast, triggering a rush to the site. Some have already started selling their finds to those willing to try to market them.
Experts do not rule out the possibility that they are genuine diamonds, although they consider this highly unlikely. The Department of Energy and Mines said it would send a team of experts in the next few days.,Image: 615723791, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia

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