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Google Adsense Alternatives (best of 2017)

While Google Adsense might (still) be the best online advertising company for publishers and everyone who wants to make money online, there are other adsense alternatives as well. You might want to show their ads on some pages and Google ads on others, or maybe your Google Adsense account has been banned and you are looking for an alternative.
Google is notorious for closing publishers' accounts without any notice or further explanation, while keeping their earnings.

The best Google Adsense alternatives for 2017

  • ADF.LY - mainly focused on link redirection and popunders, can bring you the same income Adsense did and even more. The advantage is that you don't even have visible banners or advertising links, so your page will look cleaner and will be faster to browse.

  • CHITIKA - this is the full Adsense alternative and offers the same as Adsense and even more. With Chitika affiliate program you could easily increase your earning by cashing the percentage from your referrals earnings.
  • POPADS - the name says it all, it is a popups/popunders advertising network. The publisher has the option to set the popunders so they show only for a certain period of time and also to customize the ad in case there is no popunder to display, so PopAds can be used with other advertising networks as well. - The Best Popunder Adnetwork
  • PROPELLERADS - is another popunder network that also allows publisher to refer their friends and therefore earn more from using this network.

For your convenience, we chose to display only the best Adsense alternatives that allow payments through Payoneer debit card. 
We do not recommend Paypal as a pyment method because they are as notorious as Google in banning accounts, many times without any reason, and keeping their funds for 180 days.
If you don't have a Payoneer card, do mind that these are free to get and that you will also receive a 25$ on your card after registering.

 Bonus - worst adsense alternatives 2017

The worst advertising networks - from the publisher point of view, at least - continue to remain Bidvertiser and ClixSense (ex AdHitz). Both this networks have the habit of closing publishers' accounts just when they are making most of their money. They probably do it only to keep the publisher money; little from here, little from there, there goes another paycheck. And they don't care about losing publisher customers because poor webmasters trying to make a dollar are plenty enough out here, on the wild wild web.
To prove our statements, check the screenshots below.
ClixSense scam
In case you wonder: no, we still don't know what we did :D
Bidvertiser scam
Another one of those "reasons"; of course, nobody knows what "attacking our servers" means

Adfly short url castig maxim este alta alternativa Adsense pe care o testez in prezent si care promite sa aduca un castig sigur. ofera, precum, un serviciu de scurtare al URL-urilor lungi (short url). Noutatea si respectiv castigul vine din faptul ca, atunci cand cineva deschide (face click pe) url-ul scurt, acesta incarca, mai intai, o alta pagina web ce va fi afisata 5 secunde, si apoi destinatia initiala.
Cu puteti castiga bani online in 2 feluri:
  1. Transformand link-urile de pe situl dvs. in link-uri - lucru foarte usor de facut prin inserarea unui mic script java oriunde in pagina dvs. Puteti, deasemenea, specifica care link-uri (domenii) sa fie transformate in link-uri si care nu; astfel puteti alege ca doar legaturile externe sa aduca profit, si nu cele interne, pentru a nu stanjeni  vizitatorii sitului dvs. cu reclame sacaitoare.
  2. Prin inlocuirea, pur si simplu, a reclamelor adsense, cu banerele de afiliat ofera si un sistem de afiliere si promite 20% din castigul membrilor adusi de dvs. in sistem, pe viata. Mai exact, daca cineva se inregistreaza pe folosind link-ul dvs de afiliat, veti primi 20% din profitul acestuia, pe toata durata vietii ...sau a existentei contului, bineinteles.
Ok, se pare ca n-am citit prea bine termenii lor si mi-au banat contul. Vina a fost a mea. Oricum, nu fac altul pentru ca nu se prea merita. Din cate imi amintesc de ultima data cand am verificat castigul de pe, acesta era extrem de mic. Incercati-l, totusi, daca sunteti in cautarea unei alternative adsense.
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